Each person is a story that the Soul of the World wants to tell to itself.

    Michael Meade



Emotion = EMPATHY

Archetypal Personality= The Great Mother, The Destroyer

Purpose -= to balance and restore

Season: CHANGE OF SEASONS  (2 weeks before and after season change)

Times of day: 7AM to 11AM

56 years of age and up

Being in Service

WHOLENESS and Environment

Body Language: Stomach, Spleen, Hips, Mouth, Flesh

Addictions:  Heroin, Chocolate, Sugar, Eating, Co-dependence, Guilt

Our journey through the first Four Harmonics creates the Fifth Harmonic - the environment. This environment will either be depleted and unable to support the four equally, or it will be abundant, beautiful and self-sustaining. Each element is responsible for feeding the subsequent element; if one element becomes stingy or greedy, the rest suffer, and the environment disintegrates. When the elements become miserly, the ecosystem has less to offer in the next cycle. There are fewer resources for each element to achieve it's purpose. With fewer resources, the elements can become more stingy, and bequeath only enough for survival to the next element. Unable to trust the resources are coming, the elements can disconnect from each other and try to pursue their own purpose independently. When it is time to pass the baton to the next element, they may hang onto resources and/or try to pursue their own agenda past its proper timing. Breakdowns occur in communication; in distribution; and in harmony. Rather than a symphony of balanced archetypes, we find ourselves living in a fragmented and stressful way.

The Great Mother archetype has a destructive side to her, that we have chosen to ignore. She is now arising with force. This destroyer sets out to take down any structures that do not benefit the whole.  If we do not use our own self awareness to continually tweak our structures so that they retain integrity, we can be sure the Mother archetype will come and do it for us!

These Five Harmonics™ are reflected in the world we have created. Some days, the extreme amount of bad news about the degrading of our world can overwhelm us, or lead to depression, addiction or closing off our feelings. If we can see that restoring balance to our own environment will create change in the bigger world, then we can get up each morning confident that our existence here has meaning - and that we have the power to enact great changes. Every day we have choices - do we choose to be victims or creators? Do we choose to touch others with suspicion or compassion? Do we choose to find balance in our own lives, or do we blame others for our lack of joy? Do we choose to pursue suffering, or pleasure? Every choice we make transforms our environment. What will your legacy be?

If you are an Earth person, you have the capacity to move from one archetype to the next easily, allowing you to switch skill sets as needed. Nature is your source of health and all things in your life will be gardens.